Create skeletons of your favorite deceased celebrities with our theme: Skele-brity. Engage the public in a new take to see your favorite pop culture icons by transforming them into whimsical, bone-chilling versions of themselves!
All entry submissions will be on display at The Health Museum through early November.
Entry Categories
School Categories
Open to public, private, and home schools. A school official must sponsor all school entries. Schools are encouraged to create their own competition at their campuses.
Elementary (Gr. PK-5)
Middle (Gr. 6-8)
High School (Gr. 9-12)
Open Category
Open to individuals and organizations of any type that do not fit the school category. Examples include (but not limited to) community or religious groups, sports teams, clubs, businesses, families, neighbors, or even a group of friends.
A parent/guardian must sponsor all entries for individuals less than 18 years of age.
August 19 Entry submission opens
October 15 Last day to submit entry
October 18-20 Skeleton Drop off
October 22 Siege of the Skeletons exhibition opens to the public
November 4 Skeleton pickup: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm