Mayor Turner Kicks Off Neighborhood Complete Communities Meetings

Mark your calendars! Join Mayor Sylvester Turner, the Planning & Development Department (P&D), and other community representatives to kick off Complete Communities meetings in Acres Home, Third Ward, Second Ward, Gulfton, and Near Northside beginning August 29th.

Mayor Turner envisions a city where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive where they live. To facilitate this vision, the Complete Communities initiative was launched on April 17, 2017, and aims to improve neighborhoods so that all of Houston’s residents and business owners can have access to quality services and amenities. Acres Home, Gulfton, Second Ward, Near Northside and Third Ward are the first round of neighborhoods selected under this initiative.

Attend your neighborhood meeting to share the vision of what you want to see in your community! YOUR input and plans will help define what makes your neighborhood a Complete Community. Visit the Complete Communities website for more information on the initiative and meeting updates. You can also go to the P&D Facebook Events page to share the meeting event for your neighborhood with others, and while you’re at it, add #completecommunities and don’t forget to tag your neighborhood #AcresHome, #3rdWard #2ndWard, #Gulfton, or #Northside!

Second Ward
Wednesday, Sep. 6, 6:30PM-8:30PM
Ripley House
4410 Navigation Blvd.
Houston, TX 77011
Facebook Event

View the Second Ward NST First Meeting Agenda

ROAD MAP to our Complete Community


East End Improvement Corporation (EEIC) and Wells Fargo unveiled the first of seven BCycle “Art Stations” as part of a community program to connect residents and visitors to public art and businesses in East End Houston. The unveiling ceremony included the donation of 36 bicycles and helmets to East End students in coordination with local non-profit Wellness On Wheels (WOW). 
longest-serving urban farms, Finca Tres Robles, is getting ready for some big changes in the year ahead. Umbrella organization Small Places is transitioning to a 501(c)(3) to help revamp the farm and increase its impact in serving the East End community. In the months ahead, Finca Tres Robles will be celebrating 7.5 years of work in the East End as it pauses field operations at the end of 2021 to prepare for its next chapter.