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An EaDo Urban Design Project By Way of Texas Tech University

EaDo is an exciting and rapidly developing area of the city – rich with opportunities and interlaced with a myriad of land uses, necessary infrastructures, historical conditions, natural features and development(s) “on the horizon.”

DSCF4621With that in mind, architecture students from Texas Tech University were challenged to develop a vision for the parking lot site located at Texas and St. Emanuel along the new East End/Green Line METRORail route. Led by Anton Sinkewich, Executive Director of the East Downtown Management District (EaDo) and an architect by trade, the semester-long Topical Urban Design Studio course studied the central urban core of Houston, TX and worked obtain an intimate knowledge of the agencies, organizations and demands functioning in the study area. Ultimately, the students used and applied their knowledge to pragmatically influence a vision, design framework, and implementation plan that will satisfy the desires of area stakeholders.

“Town Square EaDo,” “Vistas at EaDo,” and “Unity Square” were among the names for the proposed development pitched this week at START Houston. Each included unique elements inspired by various precedent studies while maintaining ample parking space to support the development and surrounding sports stadiums (BBVA Dynamo Stadium and Minute Maid Park). Most projects included some combination of residential and retail, while some expanded by including such amenities as a food market, movie theater, hotel, and green space for outdoor recreation.

We would love to see some variation of these proposed developments take shape in the heart of EaDo. Thank you to Mr. Sinkewich and the Texas Tech architecture students for sharing their vision.


East End Improvement Corporation (EEIC) and Wells Fargo unveiled the first of seven BCycle “Art Stations” as part of a community program to connect residents and visitors to public art and businesses in East End Houston. The unveiling ceremony included the donation of 36 bicycles and helmets to East End students in coordination with local non-profit Wellness On Wheels (WOW). 
longest-serving urban farms, Finca Tres Robles, is getting ready for some big changes in the year ahead. Umbrella organization Small Places is transitioning to a 501(c)(3) to help revamp the farm and increase its impact in serving the East End community. In the months ahead, Finca Tres Robles will be celebrating 7.5 years of work in the East End as it pauses field operations at the end of 2021 to prepare for its next chapter.

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