Valero Energy Foundation Announces Gift to Renovate Playground in Manchester’s Hartman Park

The City of Houston recently announced that the Valero Energy Foundation has committed over $600,000 in grants and in-kind services to be a founding member of the 50/50 Park Partners initiative, a public-private partnership of the Office of the Mayor, Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD), Houston Parks Board, and the Greater Houston Partnership.

Hartman Park, which serves the Manchester community in Houston’s East End, is a key community gathering place. Valero, as part of an ongoing assessment of needs in the area, has been working with the City to develop a plan to completely replace park equipment, and add additional trees to the park. In addition to the financial support, Valero is also committing to additional park improvements through volunteer resources and in-kind support.

Hurricane Season is Here: Are You Ready?

The 2019 Hurricane Season officially began on June 1. With a tropical system bearing down on the Gulf Coast, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide resources to ensure you are properly prepared for this year’s storm season.

Leopards on the Prowl – An Introduction to Navarro Middle School

The following content is provided by Wendy Armstrong, ELA/Reading Teacher, and Chief Editor of the Leopards on the Prowl Community Newsletter at Yolanda Black Navarro Middle School in East End Houston.

Yolanda Black Navarro School of Excellence serves 6th through 8th grade students in East End Houston. With an understanding that school is more than just a building where children come to learn, Navarro Middle School treats their campus a hub for community activity and embraces East End Houston as a Community School.