Everything from tacos and burgers to pho and cupcakes are being dished out by mobile street vendors on a mission to bring some of Houston’s finest cuisine to a corner near you.
Food trucks in Houston’s East End are no exception. On any given day, you can find 6-8 trucks gathered for lunch and dinner service at the Houston Food Park in the shadow of the former Meridian Club. Owners Jack Gillett, Tirzo Ponce and Miguel Villegas opened the park a little over a year ago and show no signs of slowing down. They recently announced that the park will begin breakfast service in September. When you’re out and about in the East End, perhaps cheering on our Houston Dynamo or catching a show at Warehouse Live, make sure to feed your hunger at the Houston Food Park.
For an up-to-date idea of the daily hours and temporary truck residents, make sure to follow the Houston Food Park on Twitter and like their Facebook page.